MCIT Establishes New Sections to Promote Digital Agenda 2030 Initiatives | Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

Sunday, August 4, 2024

MCIT Establishes New Sections to Promote Digital Agenda 2030 Initiatives

  • The neworganisational structure focuses on creating a work environment that stimulates innovation and creativity within the Ministry.
  • The sections will contribute to the optimal implementation of the Digital Agenda 2030 initiatives.
  • This organisational expansion is a culmination to the project titled “Approval of Organisational Structure, Job Distribution Schedule and Job Description Cards at MCIT”.
  • The adoption of MCIT job description cards is the first of its kind across ministries in the State of Qatar following Amiri Decree No.57 of 2021.
  • The new structure consists of 39 sections divided among 21 departments within three sectors and supporting departments.


Doha – Qatar

HE Mr Mohammed bin Ali Al Mannai, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, issued Decision No.17 of 2024 establishing sections within the administrative units affiliated to the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) and defining their competencies. This step comes within the commitment of MCIT to implementing effective mechanisms to realize the objectives and initiatives outlined in the Digital Agenda (DA) 2030. It is also a culmination to the project titled “Approval of Organisational Structure, Job Distribution Schedule and Job Description Cards at MCIT”, which aims to define the job competencies, duties and responsibilities within the administrative units in order to improve the operational efficiency, increase productivity, simplify procedures and create a work environment that stimulates innovation and creativity.

The decision stipulates that sections are to be formed within the administrative units and their competencies are to be defined so that each section has its clearly defined duties and responsibilities, which allows for regulation of administrative work and effective allocation of resources. Through promoting this organisational structure, MCIT is seeking to support and accelerate digital transformation in the State of Qatar, promote innovation, enhance digital infrastructure and drive sustainable growth. The decision is also aimed at promoting and developing the organisational structure of the ministry as well as improving operational efficiency in line with the requirements of the digital era and technological changes, besides promoting the ministry’s capabilities to keep pace with the rapid developments in the ICT sector. The decision further provides an improved mechanism to realize the strategic objectives of MCIT, which better facilities coordination and collaboration among the different programs and initiatives.

The adoption of MCIT job description cards is considered the first of its kind across ministries in the State of Qatar following Amiri Decree No.57 of 2021. It is the outcome of cooperation between MCIT and the Civil Service and Government Development Bureau (CGB); teams from both entities worked closely to establish a proposed organisational structure that was approved by CGB. This step is aimed at promoting administrative efficiency and improving performance through explaining roles and responsibilities for all positions, which enables employees to play their roles effectively and define the career development paths, in addition to stimulating innovation and excellence in their various fields.

The DA 2030, including more than 23 initiatives, is the foundation for expanding the organisational structure of MCIT, and this expansion is aimed at ensuring the implementation of such initiatives accurately and efficiently in order to realize the planned MCIT objectives. The sections, estimated at a total of 39, are preparing to carry out different programs and projects that are related to these initiatives, which ensures acting upon an organised approach to realize the ambitious objectives of the DA 2030. The decision is also aimed at promoting organisational

efficiency of MCIT through outlining roles and responsibilities. It contributes as well to building an administrative and regulatory framework that is more dynamic and responsive to the requirements of the modern digital era.

MCIT reiterates that such organisational step will contribute to developing the skills of young people and national calibers in MCIT, in particular, and in the ICT sector, in general. MCIT will support their active participation in the digital society and open broader horizons for creativity and innovation in their fields.

It is worth mentioning that MCIT was demerged from the Ministry of Transport as per Amiri Decree No.4 of 2021, and its organisational structure was approved by Amiri Decree No.47 of 2022.