Government e-Correspondence System (Morasalat)
The Government E-Correspondence System has been developed to provide all government entities with a secure and robust system to send and receive their correspondence (official letters) through the government network. Government entities can access the system to send the outgoing correspondence directly to the target entity in a simple yet secured channel. The system also provides the entities with the ability to track receipt of correspondence and to capture the user who received the correspondence along with the date and time.
Morasalat provides the following features:
- Ease access to the system by users
- Improve the communication process between government agencies
- Facilitating the process of following up on outgoing correspondence, knowing the recipient and the time of receipt
- An alternative to the paper archive, where the system contributes to facilitating the return of books issued and received by searching for them either by subject, by the sending authority or by the book number
The benefits of this system include:
- Saving time and effort spent on exchanging correspondence between government entities
- Reducing administrative and financial costs and human resources
- Activating the “paperless organization” concept