Qatar Ranks 1st Worldwide on Digital Accessibility Rights Evaluation Index 2020 | Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Qatar Ranks 1st Worldwide on Digital Accessibility Rights Evaluation Index 2020

Doha – Qatar

Qatar has ranked first worldwide on the Digital Accessibility Rights Evaluation Index 2020 (DARE Index 2020) released by the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (G3ict).

DARE Index is a benchmarking tool for disability advocates, governments, civil society, international organizations and policymakers to trace country progress in making Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) accessible for all, in compliance with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

This is the second edition of the DARE Index. It comprehensively documented the advances made by 137 countries that aim to provide global metrics for activists and those interested in the empowerment of the disabled.

DARE Index 2020 data shows Qatar’s commitment toward the people with disabilities and including them digitally. It also demonstrates Qatar’s belief in the importance of investing in ICTs to unleash the potential of the disabled and help them enjoy independence and self-reliance.

Qatar came number-one on the global ranking, the regional ranking, the Peer Economic Development Group Ranking and the Implementation Ranking.

Qatar was one of the very first countries to have ratified the CRPD in 2008. It later on issued several legislations and took several measures and steps as part of its efforts to enhance and protect the rights of the disabled, getting them included in the society and engaging them effectively in the developmental process across the country – something that reflects Qatar’s respect to its international commitments. This also embodies the QNV2030 that aims for equity and justice among all segments of the society.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications and its Qatar Assistive Technology Center (MADA) have been prioritizing the empowerment of people with disabilities and the elderly and providing them with easy access to ICTs.

MOTC launched the Digital Inclusion Strategy to ensure no one is left behind and everyone can access to ICTs and benefit from its countless advantages. MOTC also launched Qatar’s e-Accessibility Policy to ensure people with disabilities across Qatar have equal access to the technologies that can enrich their lives. MADA could be viewed as the world’s center of excellence when it comes to accessing ICTs in Arabic.

The DARE Index survey is divided into three dimensions or legs: audit assessment tool, or the Country Commitments (Structure), audit tool or Country Capacity to Implement (Process) and audit tool or Country Actual Implementation (Outcomes).

Noteworthy, Australia, Italy and S. Africa were in the top 5 positions this year.